Chekta z Jirkova Dvora Information

Chekta is a beautifully structured dark pigmented female weighing 75 lbs. She has a short close coat.

Chekta's desire to work with me is unsurpassed. I have trained Chekta to herd and use her working our goat herd. She has the nerves and power to stand up to recalcitrant goats in the herd, including a 300+ lb buck with an imposing horn spread but at the same time is gentle enough to use just her chest to push baby goat kids in the right direction.

Chekta has high prey drive and is obviously able to cap and control, evidenced by her cooperation working goats and sheep. Chekta is territorial as a GSD should be and her mothering instincts are superb and fully developed. Chekta came to Vom Ron from Czech Republic as an eight week old puppy. I have raised, trained, and loved Chekta her entire life. OFA hips and elbows.

  • Movie
    • Chekta Outrun Gather

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Chekta z Jirkova Dvora

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Joan Ronalder